Saturday, May 02, 2009

a lego for every day

chinh showed me this site (she usually is the first to notice something 'cool') and i thought that i would share it with you. the dedication that such an endeavor requires is beyond me (obviously) but it certainly has sparked my interest and made me want to strive for 'more'. hopefully, you will reap the benefits like the good Lord has taught us.

oddly enough, i recognized many of those legos, and it got me to thinking how could i better use the things around me? well, i (and maybe you) are in luck. can't run to the bank to deposit a check? have a camera phone? you are in luck. this is the kind of thing that while i was a young pup, playing with said legos, i thought could never exist. this is not to say we have reached some kind of promised land as far as technology goes, however it is nice that there are those who are working hard to get us there. now if only i could get my coffee machine to do my laundry...

i finished the blood bowl beta the other day. 'finished' is another way to say; 'the beta was closed (ended) and now i feel a gaping hole in my chest that longs for some sweet nectar to restore its fire.' needless to say, its not as bad as some people have it, but i do hope that such delights will be returned to me soon. between that and starcraft 2, this year could shape out to be very exciting game wise. till then, i'll just have to chew on less desired cuts of meat.

finally, if a company is failing, they should be allowed to fail. i, as a taxpayer, own planes, trains and now automobiles (and of course, banks). but, i do understand the moves that need to be made. after all, i am a conservative and a pragmatist, and that isn't the same as being a republican. so, with a shrug, i say lets see what the next 100 days gets us. who knows? things might actually get better. hopefully they don't get any worse...


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