Monday, December 21, 2009

the robots are coming to control your brain

weather it is through controlling the air that you breathe (read: bernoulli's principle, damn fluid dynamics, always gave me problems...) or melting your mind by forcing you to sit in front of the stupid box (yay for those cool looking 3D glasses), the robots are here to control everything. even now they are working to replace the very parts of your weak, fleshy body (another cool thing developed at my workplace). who knows? maybe we've already reached that technological singularity. don't get me wrong, its not that i dislike robots, they help me do many things. like break other robotic type machines. mmm, breaking machines...

so far the coolest thing about google wave is the firefly/serenity references. maybe its because i don't have that many people to collaborate with (read: no friends), but so far i really don't get what all the hype is about. i suppose if i had a D&D group to play with, such a forum would be very useful. we could use it to fight illithid (read: Mind Flayer) in the deep, shadowy, secret places under the earth. that would be fun, about as fun as fighting the devil himself. until then, though, i think i will side with the drow and pound it out on the football field.

and speaking of that beautiful sport, the time of year has come where college students play to make millionaires more money (note: not the institutions they actually play for). its the time of year where we celebrate our Savior's birth and we will be retreating to the land of enchantment. hopefully the two feet of snow that buried our nation's capital doesn't follow us.


Thursday, December 17, 2009

crazy drivers

when i first moved to the DC area, i was blown away by the traffic. seriously, 4+ hours to travel 15 miles? however, after enough time and lots of hard lessons, i was able to learn the correct ways to transverse the diverse (you see what i did there?) pathways of the district. there is, however, one thing that i will never be able to get used to; car fires. we have a car on fire every day here in the district. an exaggeration you may think? hardly. let me give you two small examples to provide but a taste of the insanity that is driving here in our capital. it is something only delicious food can alleviate.

thankfully my wife is a crazy good cook. and by 'crazy good', i mean she is certifiably insane. behold, her entire weekend:


Thursday, December 10, 2009

you know what would be really cool?

If you could crash things for a living. Wait... no, if you could crash cars for a living! Wait, wait, wait, no... I got it, if you could crash HELICOPTERS for a living.

yep, that would be really cool. then you could be featured on sites such as engaget, popular science, redorbit and NASA. if only you could be that guy, like one of the guys seen in the video. that sure would be sweet.
