Thursday, August 07, 2008

i submit

i've done it, i confess. i am weak and have consumed a product both reviled and loved by the masses. i have given into the glam and glitz and made the big purchase. my soul is forfeit, i need saving grace.

i have bought an iphone.

in other news, it seems like the blizzard fan boys are bitter once again. i stopped visiting the starcarft 2 forums (and rarely visit the site at all anymore) due to trash such as this. as mr. brahe says, 'the sort of person who takes world-class design, changes the contrast, and then calls
themselves the artist' is the sort of person who has no business making his opinions known. indeed, the vary character of such an individual is easily constructed.
the thing i find amazing (or maybe not that amazing) is that 95% of the people on these forums fit directly into a similar grouping. it is unfathomable that these people think that comments such as 'wow gayness' actually helps drive their point (if they had one at all...).

this brings me to a bigger issue and that is online play. obviously, the bottom feeders of these forums are the same people who go out, buy these games and play online. however, the transition from forum to field of play does not at all improve their demeanor or character. indeed, i postulate that the greater dickwad theory still applies. now, don't get me wrong, i have met and played with some incredibly fun, talented and intelligent people online (mostly through halo, but i digress). however, it is my experience that these people are the exception and not the rule. this is one of the reasons i find table top gaming so refreshing, that you in large part are able to escape the GIDT. i further postulate that given the subtraction of anonymity from the GIDT, we find that the theorem itself falls apart, the 'normal person' thus preserved. in other words, when one must stand across a table from your foe, respect is not only expected but necessary.

in other news, the mayor is in jail.


1 comment:

Z said...

AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! you bought an iPhone!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will have to tell me if you like it!