Saturday, August 02, 2008

angry little girls

we were driving to novi today, chinh at the wheel, thi in back with myself riding shotgun, coming along at a good clip eagerly awaiting the fruits that our wonderful consumer society would drop upon us. when, out of nowhere, my darling, quiet, giggling wife turns into a angry, yelling, cursing psycho shaking her fist at the passing drivers and careening around turns. i guess driving really does bring out the worst in people (that and my wife really is an angry little asian girl, we just got the first collection of comics from a small bookstore in chelsea, they describe our releationship perfectly). not that i could really blame her, i hate people as well. good thing i have a God that tells me to love.

all in all, the day went well. we bought staub pot for the kitchen ($40), i was given clothes that were appropriate from rhuel (translation, i was dressed and paraded about) and chinh found unreal tournament for $1.99. how can you beat that? that's right, you can't, so stop trying. you're only embarrassing yourself.

during my 10 mi run this morning (see earlier post on running), i was thinking of this ruling and the possible consequences. of course, my initial reaction is that this will be sweet, force the cell phone companies to drastically improve service in order to keep their customers. that along with competitive plan pricing would make the world a beautiful place, yes? and who cares if phones are more expensive? maybe the companies that make them will actually spend some time in development...

and, finally, we will see the dark knight tonight.

i'll leave you chuckling at that one.



yours truly said...

what a coincidence ! i just got back from seeing the dark knight. what'd you think of it?

lancelott said...

i thought it was great in that dark, creepy, 'what will happen next?' sort of way. i think that it definitely redeems the earlier movies.

i wonder who the next villain(ness) will be?